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1541 Produkte


PL Land - RED0628- ThriftTale.com - Vintage and second handclothing
Biche - Checked Blouse with Shoulder Pads- ThriftTale.com - Vintage and second handclothing
Zara - RED0486- ThriftTale.com - Vintage and second handclothing
RED0486 Angebot€14,00
Unknown - RED0460- ThriftTale.com - Vintage and second handclothing
RED0460 Angebot€16,00
H&M - RED0456- ThriftTale.com - Vintage and second handclothing
RED0456 Angebot€6,00
Canda - Cognac Blouse- ThriftTale.com - Vintage and second handclothing
Primark - RED0326- ThriftTale.com - Vintage and second handclothing
RED0326 Angebot€7,00
Unknown - Pink Ruffled Blouse- ThriftTale.com - Vintage and second handclothing
G-Maxx - RED0336- ThriftTale.com - Vintage and second handclothing
RED0336 Angebot€12,50
Estelle Fashion - RED0333- ThriftTale.com - Vintage and second handclothing
Estelle Fashion
RED0333 Angebot€4,00
Colours of the World - RED0325- ThriftTale.com - Vintage and second handclothing
InWear - RED0316- ThriftTale.com - Vintage and second handclothing
Boho Paisley Top Angebot€8,00
Seven Sisters - RED0409- ThriftTale.com - Vintage and second handclothing
Seven Sisters
RED0409 Angebot€8,00
Tendenza - RED0306- ThriftTale.com - Vintage and second handclothing
RED0306 Angebot€10,00
Véchy - Pastel Yellow Blouse with Shoulder Pads- ThriftTale.com - Vintage and second handclothing
Glamorous - RED0287- ThriftTale.com - Vintage and second handclothing
RED0287 Angebot€7,50
Berry Tielens - Beaded Tunic- ThriftTale.com - Vintage and second handclothing
H&M - RED0270- ThriftTale.com - Vintage and second handclothing
RED0270 Angebot€9,00
River Island - RED0251- ThriftTale.com - Vintage and second handclothing
River Island
RED0251 Angebot€14,00
Esprit - RED0250- ThriftTale.com - Vintage and second handclothing
RED0250 Angebot€16,00
MS Mode - RED0246- ThriftTale.com - Vintage and second handclothing
MS Mode
RED0246 Angebot€14,00
Miss Etam - RED0238- ThriftTale.com - Vintage and second handclothing
Miss Etam
RED0238 Angebot€13,00
Gaastra - RED0189- ThriftTale.com - Vintage and second handclothing
RED0189 Angebot€30,00
Unknown - Khaki Blouse- ThriftTale.com - Vintage and second handclothing
Khaki Blouse Angebot€20,00
Janina - RED0058- ThriftTale.com - Vintage and second handclothing
RED0058 Angebot€9,00
Zara - RED0048- ThriftTale.com - Vintage and second handclothing
RED0048 Angebot€12,50
Björn Borg - RED0037- ThriftTale.com - Vintage and second handclothing
Björn Borg
RED0037 Angebot€14,00
Unknown - RED0034- ThriftTale.com - Vintage and second handclothing
RED0034 Angebot€15,00
Clockhouse - RED0031- ThriftTale.com - Vintage and second handclothing
RED0031 Angebot€4,00
Gerry Weber - RED0027- ThriftTale.com - Vintage and second handclothing
Intro Collection - BLUE0997- ThriftTale.com - Vintage and second handclothing
Intro Collection
BLUE0997 Angebot€12,50
H&M - BLUE0994- ThriftTale.com - Vintage and second handclothing
BLUE0994 Angebot€10,00
Atelier Création AGS - BLUE0992- ThriftTale.com - Vintage and second handclothing
Up2Fashion - BLUE0982- ThriftTale.com - Vintage and second handclothing
BLUE0982 Angebot€7,50
FER - BLUE0978- ThriftTale.com - Vintage and second handclothing
BLUE0978 Angebot€14,00
Christina Mode - Oversized Blouse with Shoulder Pads- ThriftTale.com - Vintage and second handclothing
Erfo - Sheer White Blouse- ThriftTale.com - Vintage and second handclothing
Sheer White Blouse Angebot€17,50
S.Oliver - BLUE0847- ThriftTale.com - Vintage and second handclothing
Paris Fashion - BLUE0821- ThriftTale.com - Vintage and second handclothing
Paris Fashion
BLUE0821 Angebot€6,00
Ralph Lauren - Purple Striped Blouse by Ralph Lauren- ThriftTale.com - Vintage and second handclothing
Sensia - Blue Blouse with Shoulder Pads- ThriftTale.com - Vintage and second handclothing
Bonprix - Pink Blouse- ThriftTale.com - Vintage and second handclothing
Pink Blouse Angebot€12,50
OuiSet - Purple Blouse with Shoulder Pads- ThriftTale.com - Vintage and second handclothing
H&M - BLUE0298- ThriftTale.com - Vintage and second handclothing
BLUE0298 Angebot€7,00
Zara - BLUE0264- ThriftTale.com - Vintage and second handclothing
BLUE0264 Angebot€13,00
Mango - BLUE0213- ThriftTale.com - Vintage and second handclothing
BLUE0213 Angebot€14,00
Yessica - BLUE0208- ThriftTale.com - Vintage and second handclothing
BLUE0208 Angebot€12,50
Esprit - BLUE0205- ThriftTale.com - Vintage and second handclothing
BLUE0205 Angebot€10,00

Women's Vintage Shirts and Blouses

Find a look you’ll love in our collection of women's vintage shirts and blouses. Authentic vintage styles from your favorite decades. From 60s contrasting collars and cuffs, to 70s paisley prints shirts, 80s statement blouses, and 90s oversized flannels.

Professionally authenticated, so you know you're getting the real deal. These women’s vintage shirts and blouses are the original vintage quality and design.