about thrifttale.com
We started out as a clothing sorting company, now we are Europe's largest webshop in second-hand, outlet and vintage clothing. Clothing that keeps us warm. Clothing that defines our identity. The need to belong to a group, or to stand out from the crowd. We all wear clothes, every day.
We are located in the city that was Europe's second largest textile city after Manchester until the 1960s: Enschede. This is where we feel at home, this is the place where experts are working hard on the future: second-hand clothing becoming the norm.
This site and domain is owned by BMP Holding BV and managed by BMP Beheer BV
Contact information
Feel free to ask us your burning questions, we will help you the best we can. If you just want to say hi, that’s also possible :)
Business information
KVK: 74347632
VAT: NL859866506B01
IBAN: NL33 BUNQ 2034 8461 68
experience store enschede
De Heurne 49
7511 GZ Enschede
The Netherlands
Experience store utrecht
Vredenburg 27
3511 CW Utrecht
The Netherlands